Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Pre-Oscars Day 3

Today was my turn to present! 

Today I presented my video about how a film is nominated and the politics involved. 

I set up my set - 2 tables for student and I would be stood up and relied on the camera operators to efficiently frame the master shot, my close up and the lads sat down close up. We used the lighting already set up from the previous day - one from each side and one from the back above the black cloth background shining down. I think filming went really well, we started at 13:45 and finished at 15:15, I knew my lines reasonably well having some problems with certain lines or paragraphs. I felt really confident with the footage we had recorded, I was aware at times that I would either focus too much on the student or too much on looking at the cameras, it was during this time where my eyes would flit between the master and my close up which would make it hard to edit. I would also look past the camera sometimes as I would be aware of the crew behind.

Sadly, there was a problem when taking off the footage from the SD cards, I had a problem with one of the SD card readers and I think it disconnected when I was copying the footage over and without knowing it did, I thought it had just finished copying so deleted the footage of the card and moved onto the next one. It wasn't until later when I was logging my footage that I realised I was missing 9 clips of footage - which was more than half of the video. I wanted to try and avoid a reshoot and thought maybe I could still edit and just cut between the 2 angles I had but it was the master shot footage I was missing and therefore knew it wouldn't look good or right since I look at specific cameras at certain times throughout the video. I then thought maybe I could reshoot the missing half but knew continuity would be a problem meaning a reshoot would probably be the easiest. 

Since it only took 30 minutes to film I believe we can fit it in tomorrow. I feel incredibly bad about not checking the footage that had been copied but also knew we were on a tight schedule as we needed the cards and time to film the next video. I know for next time to double check when copying footage. 

Danniella and Matthew 

Today we finished the trifecta of videos presented by Matthew and Danniella, this was a fashion show. We added another wall using a white sheet so that the camera didn't include all of the equipment in the background. 
During this I was a model therefore not part of the crew. 

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