Thursday, 9 February 2017

Lantern Parade

Work Experience:
Thursday 9/2/17 4:30 till 7:30pm 3 hours 
Tilery Primary School, Stockton on Tees 

Today a team from UFilms (Myself, Matty, Matthew, Taylor and Chloe) went to a local primary school to film their annual lantern parade! We were onsite from 4:30pm to be aware of the events of the evening, we collected footage from before the event started. During this time snow started falling, it was not heavy or consistent but was something we had to consider when filming and if it got heavier we would have to stop filming and put the cameras away. 

We had a total of 4 cameras to 5 people, I decided I would walk around the parade to get footage from within, setting off with the parade whereas the others joined later and caught up. When filming we noticed how some cameras picked up the subjects a lot better, due to the lack of light we relied of the light from the lanterns or street lights to see the footage. Also as part of Ufilms and for personal use we decided as a business we need more footage and photos of us filming not just of what we film, therefore we all took part in filming each other filming and working. It was a very cold night but enjoyable and a great experience. 

For the business I operate the twitter account, I will retweet relevant tweets as well post about things we are doing. Tonight I tweeted a photo of the crew as well as some other tweets. 

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