Monday, 12 June 2017

James Bond Post-Prod

I added the sound and there was still a problem getting the different sections of the gun barrel video to match up, I changed the opacity of some of the clips so that they gradually got lighter to match the video as much as possible. It jumps at one bit but there is little I can about that. I added a transition to hope that it looks better, this changes the video slightly but I think that's better than an obvious jump.

I had recorded the sound yesterday at the weekend, playing the James Bond on keyboard so that I was not downloading a song from YT which could possibly affect my video, if added to YT as it might be flagged up as copyright - this could still happen using a piano version I played myself but I took these actions to avoid it as much as possible.

I added the Nerf and Ufilms logo to the end of the video and exported it.

Whilst editing I have been showing the video to other members of the class to receive continuous feedback.

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