Monday, 29 May 2017

Roads Day 2

Today we filmed he majority of the script, the aim was to film from scene 4 onwards but that didn't happen.

The day was delayed as Conner slept in and Beth had to go and get ingredients for fake blood, crew call was for 9 am and we waited until 10am before leaving without Conner. We got to location and started makeup whilst Taylor went and picked up Conner up from his house. We then started filming with Sol and Sophie, this included a section of a scene where they are stood in the hallway upstairs whilst the other sections took place in the room where Conner's character is held hostage. We then filmed a night scene, for this we used bin bags to blackout the windows and a light for a bedside light, we used the crane to get a shot over them as they lie in bed. 

The MUAs did a great job of creating an open leg break, it looked amazing.

We started scene 7 but did not have enough time to finish therefore we reshoot it on the pickups day so that lighting is consistent throughout the whole scene and every shot. We filmed one section of scene 5 in the kitchen between Sol and Sophie but did not have enough time to film the part of the scene with Kane. Also, we filmed part of Conner's great escape including coming down the stairs and through the kitchen as well as him falling in the grave from down the garden but the upstairs escape was not filmed and nor was the end crane shot.

If the day wasn't delayed more scenes would've been completed but with the length of scenes amount of dialogue and shots it would've been difficult if not impossible to film all in one day.

I had lots of fun on this shoot.

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