In the week off for half term I went on holiday with my family and one of the subjects in my documentary (Baby E) I use this time to get some footage of her. I was able to get footage of her swimming as the location I was at allowed footage and photos of family members, this will be used a cutaways during the documentary, specifically during the parents interview.
So far, I have collected a range of photos from over the past 5 months that will be used in the documentary to show how the treatment for the condition has progressed.
Research: for the facts I am going to include I have used different respectable websites to make sure they are accurate.
I wrote my proposal and treatment as well as my pitch presentation.
Intended aim/purpose: to educate and inform future and expecting parents as well as disprove social stigmas and stereotypes that were created in the past.
Intended audience: future or expecting parents give them a
real look at the treatment and a point of reference. However, anyone can watch it for the educational aspect; because of this I think the audience category would be ABC1 because of the medical and intellectual aspect but also C2DE as anyone can be parents to a child with talipes.
I have considered legal and ethical factors: babies can only be on camera for short amounts of time as well as keeping her name private as she herself can't consent as she is too young but in the future may not want people to know her medical history. I cannot see any bioethical problems as long as the information is accurate.
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